Insya Allah latihan pertama untuk tahun 2010 sekaligus latihan persiapan untuk concert launching of Divine Inspiration adalah hari Sabtu 9/01/10 2pm to 5pm sharp.
Tarikh perasmian/concert album Divine Inspiration masih lagi di dlm perbincangan, kemungkinan besar akan diadakan dlm bulan March.
But we hv to start first...and three months of preparation should suffice. So sekali lagi,hari Sabtu 9 Jan is our practise.....2pm SHARP. Seeya.
And one more thing....selamat kembali ke sekolah! :P
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Setiap yg bermula akan berakhir
Syukur, MKI III berjalan dgn lancar.
Ribuan terimakasih pada awak semua di atas persembahan yg terbaik. I am extremely proud with each and every one of you. You hv put the name Madrasah Aljunied Al Islamiah to a greater height.
Awak semua telah berkorban masa dan tenaga....dan segala pengorbanan itu telah membuahkan hasil yg tidak ternilai...priceless...hasil yg saya maksudkan ialah, pengalaman. Satu pengalaman yg amat manis yg akan awak bawa bersama di dlm hidup ini. (ceyy step jiwang pulak cikgu sorang nie).
The processes of preparing for the concert hv made u a better person, with or without u realising it...u learned to perservere and the importance of working together, to understand and respect one another.U also learned about discipline and the nitty gritty things about stage production. Cherish all these things becos it doesnt happen everyday and definitely not to all.
Melihat awak berada di atas stage yg besar pada mlm semlm, membuat saya begitu terharu....dlm hati saya berkata...."inilah hasil titik peluh kerja keras anak-anak didik ku...terimakasih Allah"
K dah....
so..i will see u when i see u.
Syukur, MKI III berjalan dgn lancar.
Ribuan terimakasih pada awak semua di atas persembahan yg terbaik. I am extremely proud with each and every one of you. You hv put the name Madrasah Aljunied Al Islamiah to a greater height.
Awak semua telah berkorban masa dan tenaga....dan segala pengorbanan itu telah membuahkan hasil yg tidak ternilai...priceless...hasil yg saya maksudkan ialah, pengalaman. Satu pengalaman yg amat manis yg akan awak bawa bersama di dlm hidup ini. (ceyy step jiwang pulak cikgu sorang nie).
The processes of preparing for the concert hv made u a better person, with or without u realising it...u learned to perservere and the importance of working together, to understand and respect one another.U also learned about discipline and the nitty gritty things about stage production. Cherish all these things becos it doesnt happen everyday and definitely not to all.
Melihat awak berada di atas stage yg besar pada mlm semlm, membuat saya begitu terharu....dlm hati saya berkata...."inilah hasil titik peluh kerja keras anak-anak didik ku...terimakasih Allah"
K dah....
so..i will see u when i see u.
Friday, December 18, 2009
saye nk tambah.. :)
girls,tk mu lupe.. SATURDAY.. ustadz suruh berkumpol kat sekolah pukul 9.30 PAGI ! tk mu lambat kay... WAJIB tau... pakai baju sukma.. bwk baju skola..(pndi2 korg nk bwk mcm mane), kasut hitam tak mu lupe and socks and wristband and korg nye musician tags.... nanti from school kte akan bergerak same2 pegi fort canning. k k?
da tu je.
saye nk tambah.. :)
girls,tk mu lupe.. SATURDAY.. ustadz suruh berkumpol kat sekolah pukul 9.30 PAGI ! tk mu lambat kay... WAJIB tau... pakai baju sukma.. bwk baju skola..(pndi2 korg nk bwk mcm mane), kasut hitam tak mu lupe and socks and wristband and korg nye musician tags.... nanti from school kte akan bergerak same2 pegi fort canning. k k?
da tu je.
MKI III - plse take note
Saya tidak ada masa untuk berbual dgn awak for the past days, byk bender yg saya nak ketengahkan...dari itu sebelum saya lupa, baik saya tulis di sini, tolong beritahu yg lain.
Soal disiplin di atas pentas
- jgn berbual dan buat unnecessary movt seperti, berdiri bila belum masanya untuk berdiri, toleh ke belakang, ketawa sampai tak ingat dunia dan sebagainya. Ini kerana. segala pergerakkan awak di atas pentas dpt disaksikan oleh penonton dgn jelas...saya repeat...DENGAN JELAS...ada ketika awak akan langsung tak nampak penonton kerana silauan lampu yg lebih daripader dua puloh bijik di atas dan dibawah pentas semuanya menyuluh ke pentas, and that doesnt mean they cant see u. There will be camera crews all over the place and there will be multi cam projection, maknernyer ada video projection on the performances onto the two giant monitor at the side of the stage, so dont get caught on camera yawning or korek idong etc.
Bila masa untuk lagu showcase, plse stand together...saya dah beritahu tempohari to look out for who...ingatkan saya lagi time our final run on Sat noon, need to work out on this.
Arrange ur intruments properly and IN ORDER...check and double check befor u pick it up to play
Each row will hv 7 music stands, kulintang players will hv a stand each...stand baru sudah dibeli, ustazah akan beli file xtra dan buat salinan scores...plse check with each other that u hv all the scores and chord charts, and also arrange them in order.
Report at Fort Canning on Sat before 11am. Plse DO NOT wear the baju that u going to perform during the day for the soundcheck and full run. Jgn lupa kasut itam. U hv to powder ur face before the actual need make up, plse standardise, no one is supposed to look outstanding.
Itu je, for now...
hv enuf rest...drink a lot of water...based on experience, daytime will get super hot as the sun will shine directly into the stage, u can bring ur shades to wear during the soundcheck.
k seeya
Saya tidak ada masa untuk berbual dgn awak for the past days, byk bender yg saya nak ketengahkan...dari itu sebelum saya lupa, baik saya tulis di sini, tolong beritahu yg lain.
Soal disiplin di atas pentas
- jgn berbual dan buat unnecessary movt seperti, berdiri bila belum masanya untuk berdiri, toleh ke belakang, ketawa sampai tak ingat dunia dan sebagainya. Ini kerana. segala pergerakkan awak di atas pentas dpt disaksikan oleh penonton dgn jelas...saya repeat...DENGAN JELAS...ada ketika awak akan langsung tak nampak penonton kerana silauan lampu yg lebih daripader dua puloh bijik di atas dan dibawah pentas semuanya menyuluh ke pentas, and that doesnt mean they cant see u. There will be camera crews all over the place and there will be multi cam projection, maknernyer ada video projection on the performances onto the two giant monitor at the side of the stage, so dont get caught on camera yawning or korek idong etc.
Bila masa untuk lagu showcase, plse stand together...saya dah beritahu tempohari to look out for who...ingatkan saya lagi time our final run on Sat noon, need to work out on this.
Arrange ur intruments properly and IN ORDER...check and double check befor u pick it up to play
Each row will hv 7 music stands, kulintang players will hv a stand each...stand baru sudah dibeli, ustazah akan beli file xtra dan buat salinan scores...plse check with each other that u hv all the scores and chord charts, and also arrange them in order.
Report at Fort Canning on Sat before 11am. Plse DO NOT wear the baju that u going to perform during the day for the soundcheck and full run. Jgn lupa kasut itam. U hv to powder ur face before the actual need make up, plse standardise, no one is supposed to look outstanding.
Itu je, for now...
hv enuf rest...drink a lot of water...based on experience, daytime will get super hot as the sun will shine directly into the stage, u can bring ur shades to wear during the soundcheck.
k seeya
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Schedule - practises and rehearsals
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Berikut adalah jadual latihan
1) Sabtu (21/11/09) - 2pm to 6pm
2) Rabu (25/11/09) - 2pm to 6pm
3) Rabu (2/12/09) - 2pm to 6pm
4) Sabtu (5/12/09) - 2pm to 5pm
5) Sabtu (12/12/09) - 3pm to 9pm (1st combined prac with musicians)
6) Selasa (15/12/09) - 7:30pm to 10:00pm (2nd combined prac with musicians)
7) Rabu (16/12/09) - 7:30pm to 10:00pm (3rd combined prac with musicians)
8) Khamis (17/12/09) - 6pm to 10pm (Full dress rehearsal)
At the venue (fort canning)
Sat (19/12/09)- 9am ( set-up, soundcheck and tech run)
Berikut adalah jadual latihan
1) Sabtu (21/11/09) - 2pm to 6pm
2) Rabu (25/11/09) - 2pm to 6pm
3) Rabu (2/12/09) - 2pm to 6pm
4) Sabtu (5/12/09) - 2pm to 5pm
5) Sabtu (12/12/09) - 3pm to 9pm (1st combined prac with musicians)
6) Selasa (15/12/09) - 7:30pm to 10:00pm (2nd combined prac with musicians)
7) Rabu (16/12/09) - 7:30pm to 10:00pm (3rd combined prac with musicians)
8) Khamis (17/12/09) - 6pm to 10pm (Full dress rehearsal)
At the venue (fort canning)
Sat (19/12/09)- 9am ( set-up, soundcheck and tech run)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Malam Kebudayaan Islam III
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Saya dimaklumkan bahawasanya peperiksaan akhir tahun telah pun berakhir, syabas bagi anda yg telah menduduki perperiksaan ini dan memberi yg terbaik dalam kertas kertas yg anda duduki.
Dengan ini, saya selaku pelatih kumpulan angklung Madrasah Aljunied Al Islamiah dengan sukacitanya mengumumkan bahawa tarikh permulaan latihan jatuh kepada 7hb November 2009 hari Sabtu jam 2 hingga 6ptg. Bagi pihak semua kami, ingin mengucapkan Selamat Berlatih, maaf zahir batin dan semoga berjaya.
Ok, so much for the formality. Hope to see everyone. Every session will be a 4-hour session and come December, latihan will be intensified and most likely there will be 3 to 4 sessions that u are required to come in the evening (as in lepas magreb) to hv a combined rehearsals with all musicians and artistes. Bagi mereka yg baru turun dari gunung dan blur as for wat are all these practises for,sila rujuk pada rakan-rakan anda.
Last but not least, sila promote MKI III to all ur friends and relatives, u may use the poster below (put on ur blog or website etc). seeya
Saya dimaklumkan bahawasanya peperiksaan akhir tahun telah pun berakhir, syabas bagi anda yg telah menduduki perperiksaan ini dan memberi yg terbaik dalam kertas kertas yg anda duduki.
Dengan ini, saya selaku pelatih kumpulan angklung Madrasah Aljunied Al Islamiah dengan sukacitanya mengumumkan bahawa tarikh permulaan latihan jatuh kepada 7hb November 2009 hari Sabtu jam 2 hingga 6ptg. Bagi pihak semua kami, ingin mengucapkan Selamat Berlatih, maaf zahir batin dan semoga berjaya.
Ok, so much for the formality. Hope to see everyone. Every session will be a 4-hour session and come December, latihan will be intensified and most likely there will be 3 to 4 sessions that u are required to come in the evening (as in lepas magreb) to hv a combined rehearsals with all musicians and artistes. Bagi mereka yg baru turun dari gunung dan blur as for wat are all these practises for,sila rujuk pada rakan-rakan anda.
Last but not least, sila promote MKI III to all ur friends and relatives, u may use the poster below (put on ur blog or website etc). seeya
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
All the best
Untuk awak awak yg akan menghadapi peperiksaan tidak lama lagi, selamat berjuang. Hope everyone hv prepared urself adequately. Bak kata pepatah melayu 'berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ketepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian'.
Do your best, your very best....insya Allah semua akan berjaya dgn cemerlang.
Jgn stress-stress..believe u can do it...yakin.
Bila semua sudah tamat, kita akan resume semula latihan....latihan untuk mempersiapkan awak for MKI 3. I hv decided to put the whole ensemble on stage as part of musicians for the event nanti. Bermakna, awak semua akan duduk di pentas bersama pemain muzik yg lain dari awal hingga tamat show, dan akan mengiringi all artistes yg akan membuat persembahan.
This will be an event that u will nvr forget for the rest of ur life.
But...yes...our deal still stands...i want to see all your results first.
Ok all the best...sleep early...and never never stay awake between 2am to 3am...becos this is the time where ur brain will processed watever u hv learned the nite b4, otherwise u will find it hard to remember wat u hv just learned.
Untuk awak awak yg akan menghadapi peperiksaan tidak lama lagi, selamat berjuang. Hope everyone hv prepared urself adequately. Bak kata pepatah melayu 'berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ketepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian'.
Do your best, your very best....insya Allah semua akan berjaya dgn cemerlang.
Jgn stress-stress..believe u can do it...yakin.
Bila semua sudah tamat, kita akan resume semula latihan....latihan untuk mempersiapkan awak for MKI 3. I hv decided to put the whole ensemble on stage as part of musicians for the event nanti. Bermakna, awak semua akan duduk di pentas bersama pemain muzik yg lain dari awal hingga tamat show, dan akan mengiringi all artistes yg akan membuat persembahan.
This will be an event that u will nvr forget for the rest of ur life.
But...yes...our deal still stands...i want to see all your results first.
Ok all the best...sleep early...and never never stay awake between 2am to 3am...becos this is the time where ur brain will processed watever u hv learned the nite b4, otherwise u will find it hard to remember wat u hv just learned.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The last performance
Dengan berakhirnya persembahan di Taman Warisan petang tadi, bermakna latihan dan persembahan akan dihentikan buat seketika untuk Lebaran dan musim peperiksaan.
Alhamdulillah persembahan terakhir anda merupakan persembahan yg terbaik di sepanjang tiga minggu kita di sana.
You hv put the name Madrasah Aljunied Al Islamiah to a greater height..well done, keep it up.
Plse concentrate on ur coming exams, start revising NOWWW. If u are the type of person who cannot revise on ur own, plse organise a study group amongst ur fellow angklungmates .Seperti mana yg saya ckp, saya nak tengok results exam awak. Kalao generally kurang memuaskan, then i will buat usulan supaya kita tak perlu participate in the coming Mlm Kebudayaan Islam 3 in Dec. So, plse study hard, its for ur own good. Shazaa dah tunjuk prelim result dia tadi...well done, keep it up.
Last but not least, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari salah...Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri pada semua...kalau ada tersilap kata dlm penyampaian saya di kelas atau di luar kelas, mohon ampun dan maaf. Seeya soon!
Dengan berakhirnya persembahan di Taman Warisan petang tadi, bermakna latihan dan persembahan akan dihentikan buat seketika untuk Lebaran dan musim peperiksaan.
Alhamdulillah persembahan terakhir anda merupakan persembahan yg terbaik di sepanjang tiga minggu kita di sana.
You hv put the name Madrasah Aljunied Al Islamiah to a greater height..well done, keep it up.
Plse concentrate on ur coming exams, start revising NOWWW. If u are the type of person who cannot revise on ur own, plse organise a study group amongst ur fellow angklungmates .Seperti mana yg saya ckp, saya nak tengok results exam awak. Kalao generally kurang memuaskan, then i will buat usulan supaya kita tak perlu participate in the coming Mlm Kebudayaan Islam 3 in Dec. So, plse study hard, its for ur own good. Shazaa dah tunjuk prelim result dia tadi...well done, keep it up.
Last but not least, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari salah...Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri pada semua...kalau ada tersilap kata dlm penyampaian saya di kelas atau di luar kelas, mohon ampun dan maaf. Seeya soon!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Updates : album and practise
Firstly, i am happy to announce that today's performance is much much better than last week's. Well done! Despite the abrupt changes in the players which i am caught by surprise. alhamdulillah we managed to pull thru together. Once again i would like to reiterate the importance of working together and always stay as a group, regardless of whether u are a senior or junior.
Secondly, practise as usual on sat, the eve of ur last performance, 2pm to 5pm...all are to attend, this would probably be ur last practise before we take a break for exams. One more show to go, let us make this last performance a memorable one not only to ourselves but also to the audience...and we will play mostly Hari Raya songs since Raya is just around the corner (provided i hv a full attendance on Sat)
Thirdly, the final process ie the mixing of tracks in our debut album has just been completed this morning at 4am...the album is now in the process of printing and Insya Allah u will see the fruit of your labour by the next prac or performance.
Once again well done....keep it up.
on a side note, exams is coming.....always say "I can do" and the know how to do will develop by hard, schedule ur time properly and start revising NOWWW, if u hv not done so. Everyone of u will excel in ur exams..
PS: if it is possible, i want to see a copy of ur results... :P
Angklung players normally produce good results in their studies becos of the values they acquire while practicing and playing together..values like discipline, perserverance and always striving for the best. U can do it.
k tu je....seeya

The rest of the pictures of today's performance are in my FB
Firstly, i am happy to announce that today's performance is much much better than last week's. Well done! Despite the abrupt changes in the players which i am caught by surprise. alhamdulillah we managed to pull thru together. Once again i would like to reiterate the importance of working together and always stay as a group, regardless of whether u are a senior or junior.
Secondly, practise as usual on sat, the eve of ur last performance, 2pm to 5pm...all are to attend, this would probably be ur last practise before we take a break for exams. One more show to go, let us make this last performance a memorable one not only to ourselves but also to the audience...and we will play mostly Hari Raya songs since Raya is just around the corner (provided i hv a full attendance on Sat)
Thirdly, the final process ie the mixing of tracks in our debut album has just been completed this morning at 4am...the album is now in the process of printing and Insya Allah u will see the fruit of your labour by the next prac or performance.
Once again well done....keep it up.
on a side note, exams is coming.....always say "I can do" and the know how to do will develop by hard, schedule ur time properly and start revising NOWWW, if u hv not done so. Everyone of u will excel in ur exams..
PS: if it is possible, i want to see a copy of ur results... :P
Angklung players normally produce good results in their studies becos of the values they acquire while practicing and playing together..values like discipline, perserverance and always striving for the best. U can do it.
k tu je....seeya
The rest of the pictures of today's performance are in my FB
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Plse take note
...This Sat 5/9/09. there will be practise at 2pm SHARP. I need to prepare u more songs, and if the practise session goes well. we'll be playing Hari Raya songs for the performance on Sun 6/9/09 at Taman Warisan.
Sila sampaikan pada rakan-rakan anda.
Sila sampaikan pada rakan-rakan anda.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Next session (29/8/09)
As mentioned, this Sat (29/8/09) last session before performance at Tmn Warisan. All instruments will be left there. Therefore after this Saturday's practise we will put your angklungs inside the box. Plse stick to ur newly assigned notes. (those yg tak dtg and dunno wat note to take, plse let me knoe this coming prac)
I'll see u this Sat at 2pm sharp and subsequently report at Tmn Warisan at 4pm the following day.
k tu je.
I'll see u this Sat at 2pm sharp and subsequently report at Tmn Warisan at 4pm the following day.
k tu je.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Taman Warisan
Taman Warisan's performance during the month of Ramadan will be every Sunday starting 30/8/09. We are to assemble there by 4:30pm. Performance time will be between 5pm to 6pm for all the 3 Sundays. Consent forms and details on logistics will be disseminated later.
Tentative songlist : the 3 medleys, Doa Keselamatan (tawassalna) and lagu Raya
Also, plse take note, practise as usual this coming Saturday 22/8/09...yes its the first day of Ramadan. 2pm sharp and dont let me wait for you.
I will do some reshuffling of notes for this coming prac. so all must attend.
Seeya and Selamat Hari Raya
Tentative songlist : the 3 medleys, Doa Keselamatan (tawassalna) and lagu Raya
Also, plse take note, practise as usual this coming Saturday 22/8/09...yes its the first day of Ramadan. 2pm sharp and dont let me wait for you.
I will do some reshuffling of notes for this coming prac. so all must attend.
Seeya and Selamat Hari Raya
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Plse be informed that practise will resume this Sat 15/8/09 at 2pm.
This is to prepare you for the Ramadhan's performance at Taman Warisan
We may hv guests coming to view our session.
Pictures of Madrasah Carnival are in my FB
Plse be informed that practise will resume this Sat 15/8/09 at 2pm.
This is to prepare you for the Ramadhan's performance at Taman Warisan
We may hv guests coming to view our session.
Pictures of Madrasah Carnival are in my FB
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Madrasah Carnival 8/8/09
I will see u selepas zohor for a short practise b4 we perform kat dewan sekolah. As to wat time to report , i leave it to ur respective guru as u may be required to perform certain duties. But i urge u to come in the morning to help out.
Plse excuse urself / make ur way to the classroom for our warm up practise selepas solat zuhur. We are due to perform anytime from thereon.
The performance is a preview of MKI 3 (Malam Kebudayaan Islam 3) schedule to happen on 19th Dec, it is also a preview to ur debut album due to be released on Ramadhan.
As for ur Ramadhan performances i will let u knoe the details when we meet.
k tu je for now
I will see u selepas zohor for a short practise b4 we perform kat dewan sekolah. As to wat time to report , i leave it to ur respective guru as u may be required to perform certain duties. But i urge u to come in the morning to help out.
Plse excuse urself / make ur way to the classroom for our warm up practise selepas solat zuhur. We are due to perform anytime from thereon.
The performance is a preview of MKI 3 (Malam Kebudayaan Islam 3) schedule to happen on 19th Dec, it is also a preview to ur debut album due to be released on Ramadhan.
As for ur Ramadhan performances i will let u knoe the details when we meet.
k tu je for now
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Latihan 1/8/09
Harap maklum, hari Sabtu nie latihan seperti biaser jam 2pm SHARP plse, saya perlu end the session latest by 4pm
Latihan untuk persiapan performance pada 8/8/09 (Madrasah Carnival)
Tolong sampaikan pada kawan-kawan awak
We hv only this one practise session b4 ur performance for Madrasah Carnival
Latihan untuk persiapan performance pada 8/8/09 (Madrasah Carnival)
Tolong sampaikan pada kawan-kawan awak
We hv only this one practise session b4 ur performance for Madrasah Carnival
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Recording and training update
As wat i said in the earlier post : Dont be surprised if u happened to hear Tawassalna (ur recorded angklung version) kat radio b4 azan magreb, any day starting tmr.
Thx to DJ Deen fr Warna, who was there when we mixed ur songs, and Tawassalna a.k.a. Doa Keselamatan, was chosen and requested by him to play on-air.
Yesterday nite, we recorded percussions, aux and pads into all the songs. Thx to Abg Wan Ramli who recorded till 1 am in the morning. You WILL be surprised when u hear all ur songs.
Madrasah Aljunied Angklung Ensemble featuring:
Wan Ramli on percussions
Alhafiz on flute
Ismahairie on violin for Ihtiroof
and Dzul Rabull tukang tengok

Last but not least...this Saturday 25th July tidak ada latihan.
Saya ada show with NJC angklung kat Suntec...kalau awak nak tengok boleh dtg ke Suntec i tink dekat dgn Carefour pukol 2ptg, 30 mins show sempena Heritage Fest.
K tu je...for now
Thx to DJ Deen fr Warna, who was there when we mixed ur songs, and Tawassalna a.k.a. Doa Keselamatan, was chosen and requested by him to play on-air.
Yesterday nite, we recorded percussions, aux and pads into all the songs. Thx to Abg Wan Ramli who recorded till 1 am in the morning. You WILL be surprised when u hear all ur songs.
Madrasah Aljunied Angklung Ensemble featuring:
Wan Ramli on percussions
Alhafiz on flute
Ismahairie on violin for Ihtiroof
and Dzul Rabull tukang tengok
Last but not least...this Saturday 25th July tidak ada latihan.
Saya ada show with NJC angklung kat Suntec...kalau awak nak tengok boleh dtg ke Suntec i tink dekat dgn Carefour pukol 2ptg, 30 mins show sempena Heritage Fest.
K tu je...for now
Monday, July 20, 2009
Recording update II
Alhamdulillah, after today's session, all songs done!
Tengkiuk to those who came todae.
Next step is to add in percussions, pads and all that jazz...then, the mixing, which is going to be done in another studio.
Dont be surprised if u happened to hear Tawassalna (ur recorded angklung version) kat radio b4 azan magreb, any day starting tmr.
One more thing
Insya Allah we will be performing for three weekends at Taman Warisan during Ramadhan...details will be out soon.
Also, performing for MUIS high tea on early Sept with Mr President of S'pore as the least thats wat i heard....details will be announced soon
k tu je....for now
Alhamdulillah, after today's session, all songs done!
Tengkiuk to those who came todae.
Next step is to add in percussions, pads and all that jazz...then, the mixing, which is going to be done in another studio.
Dont be surprised if u happened to hear Tawassalna (ur recorded angklung version) kat radio b4 azan magreb, any day starting tmr.
One more thing
Insya Allah we will be performing for three weekends at Taman Warisan during Ramadhan...details will be out soon.
Also, performing for MUIS high tea on early Sept with Mr President of S'pore as the least thats wat i heard....details will be announced soon
k tu je....for now
Friday, July 17, 2009
Recording update
Here are some updates on the status of our recording for the album
Semalam kulintang players sempat memuat naik (upload) dua buah lagu, iaitu Hasbi Robbi dan Tala'al Badru..ini bermakner semua kulintang parts untuk album ini telah selamat dirakam..alhamdulillah dan syabas kepada semua.
Pada hari ini, kita sempat merakam dua buah lagu...iaitu violin parts (yess...album awak ada violin!) untuk lagu Ihtiroof, yg disumbangkan oleh Ismahairie Putra Ishak...jutaan terimakasih pada beliau kerana dgn rela sudi menyumbangkan bakat yg ada utk Madrasah Aljunied, Allah sahaja yg membalas jasa anda.
Lagu kedua yg sempat dirakam hari ini ialah, Zafar....yes lagu yg amat payah utk dimainkan di angklung, tapi berkat kesabaran dan ketekunan anda, kita telah berjaya merakamkan the full song! and we ended our recording session pretty late.
Tujuan update ini ialah, memberi anda gambaran tentang proses rakaman...everybody in the group MUST know the processes and update...becos, this is your album. Also, to let u know the kind of support that we hv for Madrasah Aljunied Angklung dari Encik Zag, Ustaz Zakir, Ustazah Fauziah, Abg Alhafiz dan abg Hairie...all of them want to see u succeed and bring the good name of madrasah to a greater heights.
So lets continue the hard work...and press on.
On Mon 20/7, we will continue to record the remainig two songs....recording starts at 230pm...those who can make it just drop by.
k tu je.... for now
Here are some updates on the status of our recording for the album
Semalam kulintang players sempat memuat naik (upload) dua buah lagu, iaitu Hasbi Robbi dan Tala'al Badru..ini bermakner semua kulintang parts untuk album ini telah selamat dirakam..alhamdulillah dan syabas kepada semua.
Pada hari ini, kita sempat merakam dua buah lagu...iaitu violin parts (yess...album awak ada violin!) untuk lagu Ihtiroof, yg disumbangkan oleh Ismahairie Putra Ishak...jutaan terimakasih pada beliau kerana dgn rela sudi menyumbangkan bakat yg ada utk Madrasah Aljunied, Allah sahaja yg membalas jasa anda.
Lagu kedua yg sempat dirakam hari ini ialah, Zafar....yes lagu yg amat payah utk dimainkan di angklung, tapi berkat kesabaran dan ketekunan anda, kita telah berjaya merakamkan the full song! and we ended our recording session pretty late.
Tujuan update ini ialah, memberi anda gambaran tentang proses rakaman...everybody in the group MUST know the processes and update...becos, this is your album. Also, to let u know the kind of support that we hv for Madrasah Aljunied Angklung dari Encik Zag, Ustaz Zakir, Ustazah Fauziah, Abg Alhafiz dan abg Hairie...all of them want to see u succeed and bring the good name of madrasah to a greater heights.
So lets continue the hard work...and press on.
On Mon 20/7, we will continue to record the remainig two songs....recording starts at 230pm...those who can make it just drop by.
k tu je.... for now
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Berikut adalah schedule recording yg akan dimulakan:
Rabu (15/7/09) 2pm - kulintang players only (cancelled)
Khamis (16/7/09) 2pm - kulintang players only
Jumaat (17/7/09) 2pm - some of angklung players (by now some of u will get the call...kalau tak dpt call dari ustz tak perlu dtg..tapi kalau nak dtg tgk boleh)
Hari Sabtu (18/7/09) tidak ada latihan dan rekoding
Rabu (15/7/09) 2pm - kulintang players only (cancelled)
Khamis (16/7/09) 2pm - kulintang players only
Jumaat (17/7/09) 2pm - some of angklung players (by now some of u will get the call...kalau tak dpt call dari ustz tak perlu dtg..tapi kalau nak dtg tgk boleh)
Hari Sabtu (18/7/09) tidak ada latihan dan rekoding
Monday, July 13, 2009
MUIS 40th Anniversary
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Additional prac fri 10th July - Amendmend
Plse take note there are some changes on my earlier post.
I just got this info few hours ago.
The rehearsal at Pusat Islam(MUIS) will be held on FRIDAY 10th JULY instead of Saturday morning.
As such, we will proceed to Pusat Islam after our practise session at 2:30pm, the rehearsal at MUIS will be in the evening. Plse do not make (or change) your plans for this fri from 2:30pm to malam around 10pm. Ustazah will also be calling you on these changes...but in case u dont get that call, this is the plan.
Let me reiterate
Fri 10th July 2:30pm practise at Madrasah followed by tech rehearsal at MUIS.
Sat 11th July actual report at MUIS at 6pm (time to be confirmed again on Fri) instead of 1030am.
PS : We'll be transporting your angklungs and kulintangs on fri itself and will leave it there. plse make sure all notes, scores and stands are accounted for .
I just got this info few hours ago.
The rehearsal at Pusat Islam(MUIS) will be held on FRIDAY 10th JULY instead of Saturday morning.
As such, we will proceed to Pusat Islam after our practise session at 2:30pm, the rehearsal at MUIS will be in the evening. Plse do not make (or change) your plans for this fri from 2:30pm to malam around 10pm. Ustazah will also be calling you on these changes...but in case u dont get that call, this is the plan.
Let me reiterate
Fri 10th July 2:30pm practise at Madrasah followed by tech rehearsal at MUIS.
Sat 11th July actual report at MUIS at 6pm (time to be confirmed again on Fri) instead of 1030am.
PS : We'll be transporting your angklungs and kulintangs on fri itself and will leave it there. plse make sure all notes, scores and stands are accounted for .
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Additional practise on fri 10th July
We'll be having additional practise this fri at 2:30pm.
I might add in one more song..see how.
If everyone can be on time and come 15mins earlier then we can end the practise by 3:30pm. Latest i hope to end by 4pm.
If anyone cant make it..try...if cannot jugak....try. This is the only prac we hv, the next day dah show....and a very important one.
Rekoding kita on hold dulu until after the show. Anyway lagu Zafar dah siap, tinggal nak masok angklung je...yes Zafar will be one of the songs in your album.
Ok, rest well, take care of your health. seeya this fri...and sat (1030am @ Pusat Islam Braddell Rd)
I might add in one more song..see how.
If everyone can be on time and come 15mins earlier then we can end the practise by 3:30pm. Latest i hope to end by 4pm.
If anyone cant make it..try...if cannot jugak....try. This is the only prac we hv, the next day dah show....and a very important one.
Rekoding kita on hold dulu until after the show. Anyway lagu Zafar dah siap, tinggal nak masok angklung je...yes Zafar will be one of the songs in your album.
Ok, rest well, take care of your health. seeya this fri...and sat (1030am @ Pusat Islam Braddell Rd)
Friday, July 3, 2009
Last minute change - 4th July prac
I just found out that most of u cant make it tmr morning, as such the practise is brought fwd to 2pm.
Plse inform all ur friends.
Those who do not turn up for the practise. most likely nama anda tidak dpt disertakan utk persembahan on 11th July. Anw, i hv already informed u before hand to keep tmr's date free for the whole day, so there shld be no reason for not attending.
Plse inform all ur friends.
Those who do not turn up for the practise. most likely nama anda tidak dpt disertakan utk persembahan on 11th July. Anw, i hv already informed u before hand to keep tmr's date free for the whole day, so there shld be no reason for not attending.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Saturday's prac 4th july
Latihan hari Sabtu 4th July jam 10pagi hingga 1ptg
Diharap smua hadir kerana minggu hadapannya (11th Julai) adalah persembahan yg amat-amat penting. MUIS 40th Anniversary dan Pelancaran Pusat Islam Singapura. Perdana Menteri akan turut serta di dlm majlis tersebut.
Nama-nama anda akan dihantar untuk ditapis terlebih dahulu, dari itu seseiapa yg tidak hadir pada latihan hari Sabtu ini, nama anda tidak akan disertakan. This is the standard requirement for any event when Prime Minister is the guest of honour.
Also, jika latihan kurang memuaskan, saya akan usulkan kita dtg for extra practise on weekdays b4 the 11th. We hv to show our best for that event...kerana pihak penganjur menaruh kepercayaan sepenuhnya terhadap kumpulan angklung Madrasah Aljunied.
Also, selepas latihan kita akan sambung rekoding sampai jam 6ptg. Akan saya terangkan siapa yg perlu stayback untuk rekoding nanti time latihan.
Tolong sampaikan mesej ini pada kawan-kawan anda.
AND, plse read this blog again on fri night in case ada last mninet change.
Diharap smua hadir kerana minggu hadapannya (11th Julai) adalah persembahan yg amat-amat penting. MUIS 40th Anniversary dan Pelancaran Pusat Islam Singapura. Perdana Menteri akan turut serta di dlm majlis tersebut.
Nama-nama anda akan dihantar untuk ditapis terlebih dahulu, dari itu seseiapa yg tidak hadir pada latihan hari Sabtu ini, nama anda tidak akan disertakan. This is the standard requirement for any event when Prime Minister is the guest of honour.
Also, jika latihan kurang memuaskan, saya akan usulkan kita dtg for extra practise on weekdays b4 the 11th. We hv to show our best for that event...kerana pihak penganjur menaruh kepercayaan sepenuhnya terhadap kumpulan angklung Madrasah Aljunied.
Also, selepas latihan kita akan sambung rekoding sampai jam 6ptg. Akan saya terangkan siapa yg perlu stayback untuk rekoding nanti time latihan.
Tolong sampaikan mesej ini pada kawan-kawan anda.
AND, plse read this blog again on fri night in case ada last mninet change.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Latest : Plse read and disseminate
Latihan dan recording on Sat 27th Jun terpaksa dibatalkan, tolong sampaikan pada kawan-kawan anda. Latihan seterusnya ialah pada 4th July, insya Allah....sila check blog ini nearer to the date.
Also, esok (26th Jun) can kulintang players dtg studio for recording at 2pm?
Thk u.
Also, esok (26th Jun) can kulintang players dtg studio for recording at 2pm?
Thk u.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Halfway thru!
Alhamdulillah, we hv completed 5 songs, bermakna kiter sudah berada di pertengahan jalan. Saya harap recording session telah memberi anda satu pengalaman yg amat berharga (tak sumer org dpt masok studio buat recording album tau), dan saya mahu semua members mendapat pengalaman ini, so sesiapa yg belum lagi dpt involved urself in the recording, saya harap anda akan ke tengah. Next songs to be recorded would be Tala'al Badru, Selawat (lain version), Hasbi Rabbi dan mungkin...mungkin je eh...Zafar.
Next prac on Saturday 27th Jun jam 10 pagi till 1pm, followed by another recording session.
Pada mereka yg akan ke UIA atau mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi, saya ucapkan (in case kalau kiter tak jumpa lagi di kelas) selamat maju jaya, berusaha sungguh-sungguh, always uphold nama baik madrasah, make ur teachers and parents proud! ...and always remember us di angklung group :)
k tu je
Alhamdulillah, we hv completed 5 songs, bermakna kiter sudah berada di pertengahan jalan. Saya harap recording session telah memberi anda satu pengalaman yg amat berharga (tak sumer org dpt masok studio buat recording album tau), dan saya mahu semua members mendapat pengalaman ini, so sesiapa yg belum lagi dpt involved urself in the recording, saya harap anda akan ke tengah. Next songs to be recorded would be Tala'al Badru, Selawat (lain version), Hasbi Rabbi dan mungkin...mungkin je eh...Zafar.
Next prac on Saturday 27th Jun jam 10 pagi till 1pm, followed by another recording session.
Pada mereka yg akan ke UIA atau mana-mana institusi pengajian tinggi, saya ucapkan (in case kalau kiter tak jumpa lagi di kelas) selamat maju jaya, berusaha sungguh-sungguh, always uphold nama baik madrasah, make ur teachers and parents proud! ...and always remember us di angklung group :)
k tu je
Friday, June 19, 2009
Important announcement regarding Sat (20/6)
Plse be informed that this Saturday's(20th June) practise session has been brought forward to 10am. After the session, we will continue with the recording till 5+pm.
All those who can make it for the recording are to stay behind....advisable to those who hv not done it b4.
For ur info, we are rushing against time, therefore i need ur fullest cooperation.
Practise session (ALL) 10am to 1230pm
Recording session 1230pm to 5pm (as usual i will divide u into groups, so u can take turn)
k tu je.
Plse be informed that this Saturday's(20th June) practise session has been brought forward to 10am. After the session, we will continue with the recording till 5+pm.
All those who can make it for the recording are to stay behind....advisable to those who hv not done it b4.
For ur info, we are rushing against time, therefore i need ur fullest cooperation.
Practise session (ALL) 10am to 1230pm
Recording session 1230pm to 5pm (as usual i will divide u into groups, so u can take turn)
k tu je.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday 17/6
Reminder this coming wed latihan jam 10pagi
Selepas itu sambung rekoding for those who said can stay back.
If u hv a headset or earphone, plse bring along for the recording
Recording session should end by 6pm.
Also we may continue recording on the following day ie Thur from 2pm onwards, saya akan konfem lagi on Wed, just make a mental note.
k tu je
Selepas itu sambung rekoding for those who said can stay back.
If u hv a headset or earphone, plse bring along for the recording
Recording session should end by 6pm.
Also we may continue recording on the following day ie Thur from 2pm onwards, saya akan konfem lagi on Wed, just make a mental note.
k tu je
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Reminder (amendmend)
Wed (10/6) latihan jam 2ptg - cancelled (no latihan, only kulintang players to come, sambung recording)
Thur (11/6) tentatively latihan same time
Kulintang hv recorded 3 songs...nxt will be angklung. I may not wait for kulintang to finish recording all the songs b4 bringing in the angklung. Kemungkinan after the fourth song, can start recording the angklung parts.

Thur (11/6) tentatively latihan same time
Kulintang hv recorded 3 songs...nxt will be angklung. I may not wait for kulintang to finish recording all the songs b4 bringing in the angklung. Kemungkinan after the fourth song, can start recording the angklung parts.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
First recording session
All kulintang players, plse come this thur 4/6/09 for ur first recording session, be prepared to play 3 to 4 songs on the kulintang.
Time : 1:45pm
Place : assemble with ur instruments outside recording studio in the school hall
Time : 1:45pm
Place : assemble with ur instruments outside recording studio in the school hall
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Extra practise sessions
Berikut adalah tarikh-tarikh latihan angklung sepanjang bulan Jun ini.
Seperti mana yg saya katakan, there's a lot of work and preparation to be done for the two upcoming shows (insya Allah) on 4th July and 11th July.
Also recording of album akan dimulakan dalam bulan Jun juga. Recording will be done in parts, i will do the scheduling and let u knoe who to record first and when.
Mon 1/6/09--- 3:30pm to 6pm
Wed 10/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm
Thur 11/6/09---2pm to 5pm
Sat 13/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm
Wed 17/6/09--- 10am to 1pm
Sat 20/6/09---- 2pm to 5pm
Sat 27/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm
k tu je ( for now)
Berikut adalah tarikh-tarikh latihan angklung sepanjang bulan Jun ini.
Seperti mana yg saya katakan, there's a lot of work and preparation to be done for the two upcoming shows (insya Allah) on 4th July and 11th July.
Also recording of album akan dimulakan dalam bulan Jun juga. Recording will be done in parts, i will do the scheduling and let u knoe who to record first and when.
Mon 1/6/09--- 3:30pm to 6pm
Wed 10/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm
Thur 11/6/09---2pm to 5pm
Sat 13/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm
Wed 17/6/09--- 10am to 1pm
Sat 20/6/09---- 2pm to 5pm
Sat 27/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm
k tu je ( for now)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Practise starts this....
...Saturday 30/5/09
time 2pm
hope to see you all. there's A LOT of work to be done
Tolong sampaikan pada rakan-rakan yg lain
time 2pm
hope to see you all. there's A LOT of work to be done
Tolong sampaikan pada rakan-rakan yg lain
Monday, May 4, 2009
Angklung United
To stay in touch with the rest of the angklung mates under me, i hv created a group called Angklung United under Windows Live. You are encouraged to join the group for the latest development and information on shows and performances. Also participate in discussions and share photos with fellow angklunites from other schools. To join, click here.
Or go to
Plse let me know who u are and from which school u are from when requesting to join the group, alumni are also welcome
To stay in touch with the rest of the angklung mates under me, i hv created a group called Angklung United under Windows Live. You are encouraged to join the group for the latest development and information on shows and performances. Also participate in discussions and share photos with fellow angklunites from other schools. To join, click here.
Or go to
Plse let me know who u are and from which school u are from when requesting to join the group, alumni are also welcome
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Stand down
Yes, for those who are not aware, latihan diberhentikan buat seketika utk menyambut ketibaan musim periksa pertengahan tahun.
Watch out for this space for details on when our class will resume. In the meantime, sila beri perhatian penuh pada peperiksaan awak.
Till we meet again.
Watch out for this space for details on when our class will resume. In the meantime, sila beri perhatian penuh pada peperiksaan awak.
Till we meet again.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Hari Sabtu 28/3 tidak ada latihan, saya on standby (army) the whole day. Sila sampaikan pada yg lain. Harap maklum.And i understand the following sat adalah hari sukan madrasah kan? So mungkin tiada latihan jugak. Anw just lookout for this space for any changes.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thousand apologies!
First of all i would like to apologise to all for the sudden cancellation of our class yesterday (21/3). Ini disebabkan saya terlalu sibuk dgn persiapan utk syf sekolah sekolah saya yg lain. Hanya Allah saja yg tahu betapa bz dan stress nye keadaan schedules are super tight to the brim, paler otak nyares nyares kuar ikot tinger. Namun, saya akan sedaya upaya meluangkan maser utk awak semua, ini kerana, recording untuk album sulong awak akan bermula ikut jadual iaitu dlm bulan Jun ini.
Bagi awak yg ingin menyaksikan persembahan angklung dari sekolah sekolah saya yg akan memainkan dua buah lagu syf mereka (antara lain ialah Zafar, Hayat dan Gunung Payung) anda boleh dtg ke pre syf rehearsal pada 15hb Apr ini bertempat di Broadrick Sec (dekat je dgn madrasah) jam 3:30ptg. Its a closed door event, so only invited guest and students from my group are allowed to view. Sila beritahu Adilah a.k.a. Dyla Dylot a.k.a. Dilah Donat. Adilah plse collate and let me know who are attending.
Tiada bayaran dikenakan, except for ur own transport. This is not a madrasah's outing, its purely ur own, tiada paksaan.
k tu je.
First of all i would like to apologise to all for the sudden cancellation of our class yesterday (21/3). Ini disebabkan saya terlalu sibuk dgn persiapan utk syf sekolah sekolah saya yg lain. Hanya Allah saja yg tahu betapa bz dan stress nye keadaan schedules are super tight to the brim, paler otak nyares nyares kuar ikot tinger. Namun, saya akan sedaya upaya meluangkan maser utk awak semua, ini kerana, recording untuk album sulong awak akan bermula ikut jadual iaitu dlm bulan Jun ini.
Bagi awak yg ingin menyaksikan persembahan angklung dari sekolah sekolah saya yg akan memainkan dua buah lagu syf mereka (antara lain ialah Zafar, Hayat dan Gunung Payung) anda boleh dtg ke pre syf rehearsal pada 15hb Apr ini bertempat di Broadrick Sec (dekat je dgn madrasah) jam 3:30ptg. Its a closed door event, so only invited guest and students from my group are allowed to view. Sila beritahu Adilah a.k.a. Dyla Dylot a.k.a. Dilah Donat. Adilah plse collate and let me know who are attending.
Tiada bayaran dikenakan, except for ur own transport. This is not a madrasah's outing, its purely ur own, tiada paksaan.
k tu je.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
kite B.E.S.T =D
cikgu,saya nak post jugak. nanti takot tag tu kecik sangat,budak2 tak bace.
Assalammualaikum kawan2,
Seperti mane yang antunna bace kat tagboard,cikgu kate yg class akan diadekan seperti biase on this coming saturday which is 21 MARCH. dua puluh satu mac eh antunna. Harap pass the msg around kat kwn2 antunna and please please pleaseee be in school at 2pm sharp. ok?
jgn lupe taw,bilang kwn2 yg laen. Ustzh da tk send2 msg lagi mcm dulu. sooo,tk mu tnggu msg dari ustzh. ustzh akan msg only IF KELAS TIBE2 DIBATALKAN or TAKDE KELAS. if tk dpt msg pape,means KELAS MACAM BIASE.
mafhum? ok best.
Bye and see u girls dis saturday. full house eh! hee.
Assalammualaikum kawan2,
Seperti mane yang antunna bace kat tagboard,cikgu kate yg class akan diadekan seperti biase on this coming saturday which is 21 MARCH. dua puluh satu mac eh antunna. Harap pass the msg around kat kwn2 antunna and please please pleaseee be in school at 2pm sharp. ok?
jgn lupe taw,bilang kwn2 yg laen. Ustzh da tk send2 msg lagi mcm dulu. sooo,tk mu tnggu msg dari ustzh. ustzh akan msg only IF KELAS TIBE2 DIBATALKAN or TAKDE KELAS. if tk dpt msg pape,means KELAS MACAM BIASE.
mafhum? ok best.
Bye and see u girls dis saturday. full house eh! hee.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Maulid di madrasah
Hari sabtu 7/3/09 ada persembahan di madrasah.
Plse be in school by 1030am
Persembahan somewhere at noon.Tolong sampaikan pada yg lain. Saya tiba lewat sedikit kerana ada kelas lain in the morning.
Sementara menanti ketibaan saya, harap anda berlatih sendiri lagu-lagu berikut:
Astagfirullah - Selawat Badriyah - Selawat original - Tawassalna - Tala'al Badru
PS: plse contact everyone, make sure semua dapat mesej ini. Terimakasih.
Plse be in school by 1030am
Persembahan somewhere at noon.Tolong sampaikan pada yg lain. Saya tiba lewat sedikit kerana ada kelas lain in the morning.
Sementara menanti ketibaan saya, harap anda berlatih sendiri lagu-lagu berikut:
Astagfirullah - Selawat Badriyah - Selawat original - Tawassalna - Tala'al Badru
PS: plse contact everyone, make sure semua dapat mesej ini. Terimakasih.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hello hello
First of all..thank you very very much for the birthday celebration. I really never expect that.
Secondly, once again congrats to all who graduated, wish u all the best and success in ur future endeavour, and to the rest, ingat belajar sungguh-sungguh and soon it'll be ur turn. Once an angklunite will forever be an angklunite regardless of where u are and where you will go after this. Semoga time spent will all ur angklung friends will forever be ethched in ur heart. The only thing that keeps the group grow is the cohesion, teamwork and bond that u hv created with each other.
Last but not least, this afternoon performances were good. Even the MP came kat depan stage to congratulate ust and me personally. She said, u people were great and this is her first time seeing such a good performance. As usual, i just tersengeh-sengeh mcm budak kecik baru dpt mainan and said thank you to her and the organiser for allowing us to perform. K tu je.
PS : Next sat tidak ada latihan kerana saya ada hal
PS2 : saper ader gambar performance tolong tolak pat sini
Secondly, once again congrats to all who graduated, wish u all the best and success in ur future endeavour, and to the rest, ingat belajar sungguh-sungguh and soon it'll be ur turn. Once an angklunite will forever be an angklunite regardless of where u are and where you will go after this. Semoga time spent will all ur angklung friends will forever be ethched in ur heart. The only thing that keeps the group grow is the cohesion, teamwork and bond that u hv created with each other.
Last but not least, this afternoon performances were good. Even the MP came kat depan stage to congratulate ust and me personally. She said, u people were great and this is her first time seeing such a good performance. As usual, i just tersengeh-sengeh mcm budak kecik baru dpt mainan and said thank you to her and the organiser for allowing us to perform. K tu je.
PS : Next sat tidak ada latihan kerana saya ada hal
PS2 : saper ader gambar performance tolong tolak pat sini
mini celebration.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sila ambil perhatian
Hari Sabtu ini 21/2/09 latihan seperti biasa jam 2 hingga 5ptg. Last week, Ain was the first one to come! well done! So this Saturday, siapa pulak agaknyer?
Next, hari minggu 22/2/09 report to school jam 1ptg, pakaian sekolah dgn kasut BEST.
K tu je, per per hal we'll discuss this coming prac session.
PS: tolong sampaikan pada semua regarding this saturday's prac. Thk u
Next, hari minggu 22/2/09 report to school jam 1ptg, pakaian sekolah dgn kasut BEST.
K tu je, per per hal we'll discuss this coming prac session.
PS: tolong sampaikan pada semua regarding this saturday's prac. Thk u
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Berita muktahir II
Ok mark these dates in ur calendar.
1) 22/2/09 hari Minggu dari lepas zohor sampai kol 6pm, persembahan di kelab masyarakat tah aper tah namer dia, we'll determine the songs to be played on our nxt prac.
2) kemungkinan besar keesokan harinya iaitu 23/2/09 hari Isnin lepas magreb kita akan buat persembahan lagi. Details akan diberitahu kelak time pektis.
Plse attend all practise sessions, and plseeeee be on time
k tu je buat maser nie
1) 22/2/09 hari Minggu dari lepas zohor sampai kol 6pm, persembahan di kelab masyarakat tah aper tah namer dia, we'll determine the songs to be played on our nxt prac.
2) kemungkinan besar keesokan harinya iaitu 23/2/09 hari Isnin lepas magreb kita akan buat persembahan lagi. Details akan diberitahu kelak time pektis.
Plse attend all practise sessions, and plseeeee be on time
k tu je buat maser nie
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Berita muktakhir
Berikut disampaikan sari berita utama.(by now Ain would be saying :"cikgu jgn merepek boleh tak?")
Mulai latihan sabtu ini (7/2/09). Para ahli yg ada skrg boleh upgrade urself to play the kulintang, bagi siapa yg interested boleh luahkan keinginan anda pada latihan nanti. Alhamdulillah Madrasah Aljunied Angklung Ensemble telah mendapat beberapa set kulintang. Seramai 9 pemain boleh bermain dlm satu masa. Ini bergantung pada keanggotaan baru yg akan bermain angklung. Audition akan dijalankan sabtu ini untuk mereka yg berminat utk bermain kulintang.
Recording utk album angklung akan dijalankan pada bulan Jun ini..saya akan menambahkan lagi bilangan lagu yg ada sekarang in case ada lagu yg tak lulus ujian mengikut piawaian bangsa-bangsa bersatu.
Mulai latihan sabtu ini (7/2/09). Para ahli yg ada skrg boleh upgrade urself to play the kulintang, bagi siapa yg interested boleh luahkan keinginan anda pada latihan nanti. Alhamdulillah Madrasah Aljunied Angklung Ensemble telah mendapat beberapa set kulintang. Seramai 9 pemain boleh bermain dlm satu masa. Ini bergantung pada keanggotaan baru yg akan bermain angklung. Audition akan dijalankan sabtu ini untuk mereka yg berminat utk bermain kulintang.
Recording utk album angklung akan dijalankan pada bulan Jun ini..saya akan menambahkan lagi bilangan lagu yg ada sekarang in case ada lagu yg tak lulus ujian mengikut piawaian bangsa-bangsa bersatu.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Announcement : Latihan
Hari sabtu ini (24/1/09) tidak ada latihan, tolong sampaikan pada rakan-rakan yg lain. Latihan akan disambung semula insya Allah pada hari sabtu berikutnya iaitu 31/1/09 jam 2ptg.
da tu je.
Hari sabtu ini (24/1/09) tidak ada latihan, tolong sampaikan pada rakan-rakan yg lain. Latihan akan disambung semula insya Allah pada hari sabtu berikutnya iaitu 31/1/09 jam 2ptg.
da tu je.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
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