Sunday, August 2, 2009

Madrasah Carnival 8/8/09


I will see u selepas zohor for a short practise b4 we perform kat dewan sekolah. As to wat time to report , i leave it to ur respective guru as u may be required to perform certain duties. But i urge u to come in the morning to help out.
Plse excuse urself / make ur way to the classroom for our warm up practise selepas solat zuhur. We are due to perform anytime from thereon.
The performance is a preview of MKI 3 (Malam Kebudayaan Islam 3) schedule to happen on 19th Dec, it is also a preview to ur debut album due to be released on Ramadhan.

As for ur Ramadhan performances i will let u knoe the details when we meet.

k tu je for now

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