Friday, December 18, 2009

MKI III - plse take note


Saya tidak ada masa untuk berbual dgn awak for the past days, byk bender yg saya nak ketengahkan...dari itu sebelum saya lupa, baik saya tulis di sini, tolong beritahu yg lain.

Soal disiplin di atas pentas
- jgn berbual dan buat unnecessary movt seperti, berdiri bila belum masanya untuk berdiri, toleh ke belakang, ketawa sampai tak ingat dunia dan sebagainya. Ini kerana. segala pergerakkan awak di atas pentas dpt disaksikan oleh penonton dgn jelas...saya repeat...DENGAN JELAS...ada ketika awak akan langsung tak nampak penonton kerana silauan lampu yg lebih daripader dua puloh bijik di atas dan dibawah pentas semuanya menyuluh ke pentas, and that doesnt mean they cant see u. There will be camera crews all over the place and there will be multi cam projection, maknernyer ada video projection on the performances onto the two giant monitor at the side of the stage, so dont get caught on camera yawning or korek idong etc.

Bila masa untuk lagu showcase, plse stand together...saya dah beritahu tempohari to look out for who...ingatkan saya lagi time our final run on Sat noon, need to work out on this.

Arrange ur intruments properly and IN ORDER...check and double check befor u pick it up to play

Each row will hv 7 music stands, kulintang players will hv a stand each...stand baru sudah dibeli, ustazah akan beli file xtra dan buat salinan scores...plse check with each other that u hv all the scores and chord charts, and also arrange them in order.

Report at Fort Canning on Sat before 11am. Plse DO NOT wear the baju that u going to perform during the day for the soundcheck and full run. Jgn lupa kasut itam. U hv to powder ur face before the actual need make up, plse standardise, no one is supposed to look outstanding.

Itu je, for now...
hv enuf rest...drink a lot of water...based on experience, daytime will get super hot as the sun will shine directly into the stage, u can bring ur shades to wear during the soundcheck.

k seeya

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