Thursday, July 23, 2009

Recording and training update

As wat i said in the earlier post : Dont be surprised if u happened to hear Tawassalna (ur recorded angklung version) kat radio b4 azan magreb, any day starting tmr.

Thx to DJ Deen fr Warna, who was there when we mixed ur songs, and Tawassalna a.k.a. Doa Keselamatan, was chosen and requested by him to play on-air.

Yesterday nite, we recorded percussions, aux and pads into all the songs. Thx to Abg Wan Ramli who recorded till 1 am in the morning. You WILL be surprised when u hear all ur songs.

Madrasah Aljunied Angklung Ensemble featuring:
Wan Ramli on percussions
Alhafiz on flute
Ismahairie on violin for Ihtiroof
and Dzul Rabull tukang tengok

Last but not least...this Saturday 25th July tidak ada latihan.
Saya ada show with NJC angklung kat Suntec...kalau awak nak tengok boleh dtg ke Suntec i tink dekat dgn Carefour pukol 2ptg, 30 mins show sempena Heritage Fest.
K tu je...for now

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