Saturday, July 4, 2009

Additional practise on fri 10th July

We'll be having additional practise this fri at 2:30pm.
I might add in one more song..see how.
If everyone can be on time and come 15mins earlier then we can end the practise by 3:30pm. Latest i hope to end by 4pm.
If anyone cant make it..try...if cannot jugak....try. This is the only prac we hv, the next day dah show....and a very important one.
Rekoding kita on hold dulu until after the show. Anyway lagu Zafar dah siap, tinggal nak masok angklung je...yes Zafar will be one of the songs in your album.

Ok, rest well, take care of your health. seeya this fri...and sat (1030am @ Pusat Islam Braddell Rd)

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