Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pengumuman - Album Launch


Plse take note that launching of your album will be on Wed 24/3/10 selepas magreb di dewan madrasah.
As such, i hv arranged a series of practise sessions to gear up towards the event.
Before that, plse take note that this coming Sat 13/3/10 tidak ada latihan.
Sebaliknya, latihan insya Allah akan dijadualkan pada tarikh berikut:
1) Rabu 17/3/10 3pm to 6pm
2) Khamis 18/3/10 3pm to 6pm
3) Sabtu 20/3/10 2pm to 5pm

Plse attend all sessions. Ustaz/ustazah akan confirmkan lagi tarikh tarikh latihan, as for now, plse reserve all the said dates.

Plse inform all ur friends berkenaan perkara di atas and visit this blog periodically for any changes and updates.


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