Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tips macam mana nak jadi pelajar yg berjaya

As mentioned during practise, this applies to all

1) Start your day by telling yourself that today is going to be great day, if possible shout out loud.

2) Sedekahkan alfateha pada ibu dan bapa every morning WITHOUT fail.

3) Focus and pay attention in class, no distraction physically (eg hp ) and mentally (eg thinking abt bf )

4) Clarify on lessons that u dont understand on the same day, jgn simpan or procastinate

5) Sleep early, becos u need to catch the REM which normally occurs between 2 to 3am, otherwise u will find difficulty remembering wat u've learnt.

Follow the above religously....believe u can do it and the know how to do will develop by itself.

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