Sunday, December 20, 2009

Setiap yg bermula akan berakhir


Syukur, MKI III berjalan dgn lancar.
Ribuan terimakasih pada awak semua di atas persembahan yg terbaik. I am extremely proud with each and every one of you. You hv put the name Madrasah Aljunied Al Islamiah to a greater height.
Awak semua telah berkorban masa dan tenaga....dan segala pengorbanan itu telah membuahkan hasil yg tidak ternilai...priceless...hasil yg saya maksudkan ialah, pengalaman. Satu pengalaman yg amat manis yg akan awak bawa bersama di dlm hidup ini. (ceyy step jiwang pulak cikgu sorang nie).
The processes of preparing for the concert hv made u a better person, with or without u realising it...u learned to perservere and the importance of working together, to understand and respect one another.U also learned about discipline and the nitty gritty things about stage production. Cherish all these things becos it doesnt happen everyday and definitely not to all.
Melihat awak berada di atas stage yg besar pada mlm semlm, membuat saya begitu terharu....dlm hati saya berkata...."inilah hasil titik peluh kerja keras anak-anak didik ku...terimakasih Allah"

K dah....
so..i will see u when i see u.

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