Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Schedule - practises and rehearsals

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Berikut adalah jadual latihan

1) Sabtu (21/11/09) - 2pm to 6pm
2) Rabu (25/11/09) - 2pm to 6pm
3) Rabu (2/12/09) - 2pm to 6pm
4) Sabtu (5/12/09) - 2pm to 5pm
5) Sabtu (12/12/09) - 3pm to 9pm (1st combined prac with musicians)
6) Selasa (15/12/09) - 7:30pm to 10:00pm (2nd combined prac with musicians)
7) Rabu (16/12/09) - 7:30pm to 10:00pm (3rd combined prac with musicians)
8) Khamis (17/12/09) - 6pm to 10pm (Full dress rehearsal)

At the venue (fort canning)
Sat (19/12/09)- 9am ( set-up, soundcheck and tech run)

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