Sunday, May 31, 2009

Extra practise sessions

Berikut adalah tarikh-tarikh latihan angklung sepanjang bulan Jun ini.
Seperti mana yg saya katakan, there's a lot of work and preparation to be done for the two upcoming shows (insya Allah) on 4th July and 11th July.
Also recording of album akan dimulakan dalam bulan Jun juga. Recording will be done in parts, i will do the scheduling and let u knoe who to record first and when.

Mon 1/6/09--- 3:30pm to 6pm
Wed 10/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm
Thur 11/6/09---2pm to 5pm
Sat 13/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm
Wed 17/6/09--- 10am to 1pm
Sat 20/6/09---- 2pm to 5pm
Sat 27/6/09--- 2pm to 5pm

k tu je ( for now)

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