Harap maklum, hari Sabtu nie latihan seperti biaser jam 2pm SHARP plse, saya perlu end the session latest by 4pm
Latihan untuk persiapan performance pada 8/8/09 (Madrasah Carnival)
Tolong sampaikan pada kawan-kawan awak
We hv only this one practise session b4 ur performance for Madrasah Carnival
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Recording and training update
As wat i said in the earlier post : Dont be surprised if u happened to hear Tawassalna (ur recorded angklung version) kat radio b4 azan magreb, any day starting tmr.
Thx to DJ Deen fr Warna, who was there when we mixed ur songs, and Tawassalna a.k.a. Doa Keselamatan, was chosen and requested by him to play on-air.
Yesterday nite, we recorded percussions, aux and pads into all the songs. Thx to Abg Wan Ramli who recorded till 1 am in the morning. You WILL be surprised when u hear all ur songs.
Madrasah Aljunied Angklung Ensemble featuring:
Wan Ramli on percussions
Alhafiz on flute
Ismahairie on violin for Ihtiroof
and Dzul Rabull tukang tengok

Last but not least...this Saturday 25th July tidak ada latihan.
Saya ada show with NJC angklung kat Suntec...kalau awak nak tengok boleh dtg ke Suntec i tink dekat dgn Carefour pukol 2ptg, 30 mins show sempena Heritage Fest.
K tu je...for now
Thx to DJ Deen fr Warna, who was there when we mixed ur songs, and Tawassalna a.k.a. Doa Keselamatan, was chosen and requested by him to play on-air.
Yesterday nite, we recorded percussions, aux and pads into all the songs. Thx to Abg Wan Ramli who recorded till 1 am in the morning. You WILL be surprised when u hear all ur songs.
Madrasah Aljunied Angklung Ensemble featuring:
Wan Ramli on percussions
Alhafiz on flute
Ismahairie on violin for Ihtiroof
and Dzul Rabull tukang tengok
Last but not least...this Saturday 25th July tidak ada latihan.
Saya ada show with NJC angklung kat Suntec...kalau awak nak tengok boleh dtg ke Suntec i tink dekat dgn Carefour pukol 2ptg, 30 mins show sempena Heritage Fest.
K tu je...for now
Monday, July 20, 2009
Recording update II
Alhamdulillah, after today's session, all songs done!
Tengkiuk to those who came todae.
Next step is to add in percussions, pads and all that jazz...then, the mixing, which is going to be done in another studio.
Dont be surprised if u happened to hear Tawassalna (ur recorded angklung version) kat radio b4 azan magreb, any day starting tmr.
One more thing
Insya Allah we will be performing for three weekends at Taman Warisan during Ramadhan...details will be out soon.
Also, performing for MUIS high tea on early Sept with Mr President of S'pore as the GOH..at least thats wat i heard....details will be announced soon
k tu je....for now
Alhamdulillah, after today's session, all songs done!
Tengkiuk to those who came todae.
Next step is to add in percussions, pads and all that jazz...then, the mixing, which is going to be done in another studio.
Dont be surprised if u happened to hear Tawassalna (ur recorded angklung version) kat radio b4 azan magreb, any day starting tmr.
One more thing
Insya Allah we will be performing for three weekends at Taman Warisan during Ramadhan...details will be out soon.
Also, performing for MUIS high tea on early Sept with Mr President of S'pore as the GOH..at least thats wat i heard....details will be announced soon
k tu je....for now
Friday, July 17, 2009
Recording update
Here are some updates on the status of our recording for the album
Semalam kulintang players sempat memuat naik (upload) dua buah lagu, iaitu Hasbi Robbi dan Tala'al Badru..ini bermakner semua kulintang parts untuk album ini telah selamat dirakam..alhamdulillah dan syabas kepada semua.
Pada hari ini, kita sempat merakam dua buah lagu...iaitu violin parts (yess...album awak ada violin!) untuk lagu Ihtiroof, yg disumbangkan oleh Ismahairie Putra Ishak...jutaan terimakasih pada beliau kerana dgn rela sudi menyumbangkan bakat yg ada utk Madrasah Aljunied, Allah sahaja yg membalas jasa anda.
Lagu kedua yg sempat dirakam hari ini ialah, Zafar....yes lagu yg amat payah utk dimainkan di angklung, tapi berkat kesabaran dan ketekunan anda, kita telah berjaya merakamkan the full song! and we ended our recording session pretty late.
Tujuan update ini ialah, memberi anda gambaran tentang proses rakaman...everybody in the group MUST know the processes and update...becos, this is your album. Also, to let u know the kind of support that we hv for Madrasah Aljunied Angklung group...support dari Encik Zag, Ustaz Zakir, Ustazah Fauziah, Abg Alhafiz dan abg Hairie...all of them want to see u succeed and bring the good name of madrasah to a greater heights.
So lets continue the hard work...and press on.
On Mon 20/7, we will continue to record the remainig two songs....recording starts at 230pm...those who can make it just drop by.
k tu je.... for now
Here are some updates on the status of our recording for the album
Semalam kulintang players sempat memuat naik (upload) dua buah lagu, iaitu Hasbi Robbi dan Tala'al Badru..ini bermakner semua kulintang parts untuk album ini telah selamat dirakam..alhamdulillah dan syabas kepada semua.
Pada hari ini, kita sempat merakam dua buah lagu...iaitu violin parts (yess...album awak ada violin!) untuk lagu Ihtiroof, yg disumbangkan oleh Ismahairie Putra Ishak...jutaan terimakasih pada beliau kerana dgn rela sudi menyumbangkan bakat yg ada utk Madrasah Aljunied, Allah sahaja yg membalas jasa anda.
Lagu kedua yg sempat dirakam hari ini ialah, Zafar....yes lagu yg amat payah utk dimainkan di angklung, tapi berkat kesabaran dan ketekunan anda, kita telah berjaya merakamkan the full song! and we ended our recording session pretty late.
Tujuan update ini ialah, memberi anda gambaran tentang proses rakaman...everybody in the group MUST know the processes and update...becos, this is your album. Also, to let u know the kind of support that we hv for Madrasah Aljunied Angklung group...support dari Encik Zag, Ustaz Zakir, Ustazah Fauziah, Abg Alhafiz dan abg Hairie...all of them want to see u succeed and bring the good name of madrasah to a greater heights.
So lets continue the hard work...and press on.
On Mon 20/7, we will continue to record the remainig two songs....recording starts at 230pm...those who can make it just drop by.
k tu je.... for now
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Berikut adalah schedule recording yg akan dimulakan:
Rabu (15/7/09) 2pm - kulintang players only (cancelled)
Khamis (16/7/09) 2pm - kulintang players only
Jumaat (17/7/09) 2pm - some of angklung players (by now some of u will get the call...kalau tak dpt call dari ustz tak perlu dtg..tapi kalau nak dtg tgk boleh)
Hari Sabtu (18/7/09) tidak ada latihan dan rekoding
Rabu (15/7/09) 2pm - kulintang players only (cancelled)
Khamis (16/7/09) 2pm - kulintang players only
Jumaat (17/7/09) 2pm - some of angklung players (by now some of u will get the call...kalau tak dpt call dari ustz tak perlu dtg..tapi kalau nak dtg tgk boleh)
Hari Sabtu (18/7/09) tidak ada latihan dan rekoding
Monday, July 13, 2009
MUIS 40th Anniversary
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Additional prac fri 10th July - Amendmend
Plse take note there are some changes on my earlier post.
I just got this info few hours ago.
The rehearsal at Pusat Islam(MUIS) will be held on FRIDAY 10th JULY instead of Saturday morning.
As such, we will proceed to Pusat Islam after our practise session at 2:30pm, the rehearsal at MUIS will be in the evening. Plse do not make (or change) your plans for this fri from 2:30pm to malam around 10pm. Ustazah will also be calling you on these changes...but in case u dont get that call, this is the plan.
Let me reiterate
Fri 10th July 2:30pm practise at Madrasah followed by tech rehearsal at MUIS.
Sat 11th July actual show...to report at MUIS at 6pm (time to be confirmed again on Fri) instead of 1030am.
PS : We'll be transporting your angklungs and kulintangs on fri itself and will leave it there. plse make sure all notes, scores and stands are accounted for .
I just got this info few hours ago.
The rehearsal at Pusat Islam(MUIS) will be held on FRIDAY 10th JULY instead of Saturday morning.
As such, we will proceed to Pusat Islam after our practise session at 2:30pm, the rehearsal at MUIS will be in the evening. Plse do not make (or change) your plans for this fri from 2:30pm to malam around 10pm. Ustazah will also be calling you on these changes...but in case u dont get that call, this is the plan.
Let me reiterate
Fri 10th July 2:30pm practise at Madrasah followed by tech rehearsal at MUIS.
Sat 11th July actual show...to report at MUIS at 6pm (time to be confirmed again on Fri) instead of 1030am.
PS : We'll be transporting your angklungs and kulintangs on fri itself and will leave it there. plse make sure all notes, scores and stands are accounted for .
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Additional practise on fri 10th July
We'll be having additional practise this fri at 2:30pm.
I might add in one more song..see how.
If everyone can be on time and come 15mins earlier then we can end the practise by 3:30pm. Latest i hope to end by 4pm.
If anyone cant make it..try...if cannot jugak....try. This is the only prac we hv, the next day dah show....and a very important one.
Rekoding kita on hold dulu until after the show. Anyway lagu Zafar dah siap, tinggal nak masok angklung je...yes Zafar will be one of the songs in your album.
Ok, rest well, take care of your health. seeya this fri...and sat (1030am @ Pusat Islam Braddell Rd)
I might add in one more song..see how.
If everyone can be on time and come 15mins earlier then we can end the practise by 3:30pm. Latest i hope to end by 4pm.
If anyone cant make it..try...if cannot jugak....try. This is the only prac we hv, the next day dah show....and a very important one.
Rekoding kita on hold dulu until after the show. Anyway lagu Zafar dah siap, tinggal nak masok angklung je...yes Zafar will be one of the songs in your album.
Ok, rest well, take care of your health. seeya this fri...and sat (1030am @ Pusat Islam Braddell Rd)
Friday, July 3, 2009
Last minute change - 4th July prac
I just found out that most of u cant make it tmr morning, as such the practise is brought fwd to 2pm.
Plse inform all ur friends.
Those who do not turn up for the practise. most likely nama anda tidak dpt disertakan utk persembahan on 11th July. Anw, i hv already informed u before hand to keep tmr's date free for the whole day, so there shld be no reason for not attending.
Plse inform all ur friends.
Those who do not turn up for the practise. most likely nama anda tidak dpt disertakan utk persembahan on 11th July. Anw, i hv already informed u before hand to keep tmr's date free for the whole day, so there shld be no reason for not attending.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Saturday's prac 4th july
Latihan hari Sabtu 4th July jam 10pagi hingga 1ptg
Diharap smua hadir kerana minggu hadapannya (11th Julai) adalah persembahan yg amat-amat penting. MUIS 40th Anniversary dan Pelancaran Pusat Islam Singapura. Perdana Menteri akan turut serta di dlm majlis tersebut.
Nama-nama anda akan dihantar untuk ditapis terlebih dahulu, dari itu seseiapa yg tidak hadir pada latihan hari Sabtu ini, nama anda tidak akan disertakan. This is the standard requirement for any event when Prime Minister is the guest of honour.
Also, jika latihan kurang memuaskan, saya akan usulkan kita dtg for extra practise on weekdays b4 the 11th. We hv to show our best for that event...kerana pihak penganjur menaruh kepercayaan sepenuhnya terhadap kumpulan angklung Madrasah Aljunied.
Also, selepas latihan kita akan sambung rekoding sampai jam 6ptg. Akan saya terangkan siapa yg perlu stayback untuk rekoding nanti time latihan.
Tolong sampaikan mesej ini pada kawan-kawan anda.
AND, plse read this blog again on fri night in case ada last mninet change.
Diharap smua hadir kerana minggu hadapannya (11th Julai) adalah persembahan yg amat-amat penting. MUIS 40th Anniversary dan Pelancaran Pusat Islam Singapura. Perdana Menteri akan turut serta di dlm majlis tersebut.
Nama-nama anda akan dihantar untuk ditapis terlebih dahulu, dari itu seseiapa yg tidak hadir pada latihan hari Sabtu ini, nama anda tidak akan disertakan. This is the standard requirement for any event when Prime Minister is the guest of honour.
Also, jika latihan kurang memuaskan, saya akan usulkan kita dtg for extra practise on weekdays b4 the 11th. We hv to show our best for that event...kerana pihak penganjur menaruh kepercayaan sepenuhnya terhadap kumpulan angklung Madrasah Aljunied.
Also, selepas latihan kita akan sambung rekoding sampai jam 6ptg. Akan saya terangkan siapa yg perlu stayback untuk rekoding nanti time latihan.
Tolong sampaikan mesej ini pada kawan-kawan anda.
AND, plse read this blog again on fri night in case ada last mninet change.
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